Are you in need of help?
If you're a child or young person in Sunderland and need help there are people you can contact, including Together for Children.
Childline: 0800 11 11 - if you are a young person with concerns for your own safety (or one of your friends) and you don't want to talk to the police or social workers, you can also call Childline. This is a free 24/7 number offering advice and support.
Emergency services: In an emergency, always call 999.
Together for Children/Children's Safeguarding: 0191 520 5560.
What will happen next?
Anything you tell us will be kept in confidence but we may need to share certain information to keep you safe.
We will listen to your circumstances and look at how serious the situation is before deciding how to respond.
Our first priority is to ensure you and any other people who might also be at risk are safe.
We will carry out a careful and sensitive enquiry to help decided what to do next. We will work together with all of the relevant organisations to give you information, advice and support.
We might need to investigate or take further action in order to protect you and can provide an advocate for you and your carer.
Advocacy service
We support children and young people by giving confidential and independent advice, information and representation. Find out more about our Advocacy Service
Children and Young People: Tell us what you think (PDF, 6 MB)
If you're a child or young person who is supported by Together for Children, we would love to know what you think we do well and where you think we could improve. Read our leaflet to find out more about sharing your views.