An update for parents/ carers - August 2024
Dear Parent or Carer,
RE: Red Gables planning application update
As some of you will be aware, since we last wrote to you in June, the planning application for Red Gables had to be withdrawn. This was due to a legal land-related issue which was unfortunately out of our control.
Steps have been taken to resolve this issue, and the application and supporting documents have now been resubmitted. The application itself is almost identical to the previous and we are still proposing a 5-bedroom short breaks home for children with SEND needs. The application is hoped to be presented at a planning committee in October, where a decision will be made on whether we are able to go ahead with our plans. This planning committee has been called solely to look at this application and to minimise further delay.
We appreciate this news is likely to be very frustrating and we feel equally disappointed to have to bring this update to you, however as you know from our previous communications, our original plans faced over 80 local objections and we do sadly expect to see this happen again with our new proposal. Thank you to those who submitted your support previously. We are writing to you once again to ask you to share your experiences on the positive impact that the short break service has had on you and your family. You can do this by submitting your support through the planning portal. We know this is a big ask from us, but we were incredibly humbled to have received such fantastic submissions previously when we asked for your support, and your personal stories really do make all of the difference in bringing the service to light and showing planners why the home is so important to Sunderland.
Support can be submitted in the same way as previous on the Sunderland Council Planning Portal or via the following QR code where you will be able to submit your thoughts by Wednesday 11th September 2024.

If you have any queries, or are unable to submit your support via the portal please let us know at,uk