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Sunderland's Supported Lodgings serviced praised in Ofsted pilot inspection

Sunderland's Supported Lodgings offer a 'consistently strong service' and are building 'exceptionality positive' relationships with young people.

Together for Children (TfC) the children's services partner of Sunderland Council was part of a pilot supported accommodation Ofsted inspection in October 2023. Inspectors reviewed the service by meeting hosts and speaking to young people.

The service allows young people aged 16-21 to live in homes across the city and receive support from a host where needed. They benefit from living in a comfortable environment that gives them security, while a host or hosts are on-hand to help them develop independence and make their own decisions on education or employment, relationships and self-care.

The pilot inspection was carried out in advance of official Ofsted inspections of supported accommodation starting from April next year.

Ofsted's feedback letter said: "Relationships between children and their hosts families are exceptionally positive. These help children make good and safe decisions, and they are proud of their achievements.

"Children benefit from well-planned support that reflects their individual needs. Their views, opinions and wishes are central to discussions and decisions about their progress. They are fully involved in the review of their support plans. This approach ensures that children have positive experiences."

The inspection highlighted that young people's views are highly valued, managers review the needs of the young person and hosts have a good understanding of individual needs; concluding that careful planning helps young people to settle quickly into their new home and effective ongoing communications helps them achieve goals and develop independence skills. 

Inspectors note that one young person interviewed commented, "I like the independence living here, but it is also great knowing that [host's name] cares about me."

Jill Colbert OBE, Chief Executive of Together for Children said:

We welcome the findings of the pilot inspection, and we are pleased to see that inspectors recognise the positive work being done to support young people through our service. Our team work incredibly closely with our hosts and the report findings reaffirm that our young people are able to build their independence while feeling nurtured and safe in a family environment." 

Sunderland City Council's Cabinet Member for Young People, Learning and Skills, Councillor Linda Williams said:

I'm proud of how much our hosts do for our vulnerable young people in Sunderland and delighted to see the report recognising that our hosts feel well supported and valued by the TfC team.  Our hosts clearly provide young people with the long-term stability, security and the skills to progress and be independent in later life."

Tammy Banks, Chair of the TfC Board added:

The Ofsted findings are a clear and resounding endorsement of the quality of the support the TfC team provide to hosts and young people. Thanks to the Supported Lodgings services and hosts, young people in Sunderland have greater security and opportunities and we remain passionate about getting this right."

Supported Lodgings Hosts are paid a monthly allowance and undertake an assessment process which takes between four to six months.  The assessment includes background checks and references, home visits, preparation training and a written assessment. Once approved the TfC team work with hosts and young people to agree appropriate matches. 

Brian and his partner Steven became Supported Lodging hosts in 2016 as a way to help teenagers who they felt didn't always have the same opportunities as younger children.

Brian said: "A lot of people don't want to care for teenagers, but I think they often need the most support. We both liked that young people would be living with us in a way which felt more like a family to them, and that they would have the flexibility and the freedom that they needed too.

"The young people who have stayed with us often don't know what they want to do for education, work and university and we find it really rewarding to be able to help them decide what's next for them. One of the young people we supported wouldn't really talk to us at first and was unsure of himself, but he's now 22 and at university and doing really well, and we speak to him regularly.

"We were initially apprehensive about the idea of becoming Supported Lodging Hosts but it's genuinely not as scary as we first thought and the training we received and support from the team has been invaluable. There is an online training hub which lets you go at your own pace and learn about topics which might be particularly interesting to you based on the needs of the young person or people you are hosting, and the Supported Lodgings Team are just a phone call away.

"I would encourage anyone who is thinking about becoming a host to ask questions, read all of the information you are given and have an initial conversation with the team. Making that initial call was the hardest part of the whole process but the first chat with the team will help you decide if it's right for you and there's no pressure or expectations."

Find out more about becoming a Supported Lodgings Host on our website.

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